Explore Helpful Links from Pace Technologies Inc.
Pace Technologies Inc. has provided the following links for the convenience of electrical test and maintenance workers who may find these items interesting or useful. Pace does not endorse or take responsibility for the content of websites owned or controlled by other companies or organizations.
Providing electrical testing services in Edmonton and elsewhere in North America, Pace is an industry leader that will find a solution to your exact needs.
The mission of the InterNational Electrical Testing Association is to serve the electrical testing industry by establishing standards, publishing specifications, accrediting independent, third-party testing companies, certifying test technicians, and promoting the professional services of its members. The Association also collects and disseminates information and data of value to the electrical industry and educates the public and end user about the merits of electrical acceptance and maintenance testing.
NETA is an association of leading electrical testing companies comprised of visionaries who are committed to advancing the industry’s standards for power system installation and maintenance to ensure the highest level of reliability and safety.
IEEE Canada is the Canadian arm of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as well as the constituent society of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) for the technical fields of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering. IEEE Canada publishes an electronic newsletter, a general interest magazine, and a technical journal, maintains a website containing publication archives, a digital library of specialized lectures and a showcase of Canadian engineering achievement.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a globally recognized standards-setting body. The IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to the advancement of technology. Through its 365,000 members in 150 countries, the society is a leading authority on a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics. The IEEE publishes 30% of the world’s literature in the electrical and electronics engineering and computer science fields, and has developed more than 900 active industry standards.
Electrical Manuals is a great site to find manuals for all types of electrical equipment. The idea came about because of the difficulty of finding manuals on older equipment. They have collected a lot of manuals over the last couple of years. The idea is to allow users to upload more manuals and grow the site. In order to download files, you will have to sign up. The site is free of charge, however, if you find it useful and would like to donate they would appreciate it. The donations will be used to offset the cost of hosting and expanding the site.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) oversees the creation, promulgation and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector from acoustical devices to construction equipment, from dairy and livestock production to energy distribution, and many more. ANSI is also actively engaged in accrediting programs that assess conformance to standards – including globally-recognized cross-sector programs such as the ISO 9000 (quality) and ISO 14000 (environmental) management systems.
Canadian Electrical Code 2009 from the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Group covers all electrical work and electrical equipment operation or intended operation at all voltages. This covers electrical installations for buildings, structures and premises, including factory-built relocatable and non-relocatable structures. The code also covers self-propelled marine vessels stationary for periods exceeding five months and connected to a shore supply of electricity continuously or from time to time with some exceptions.
The National Fire Protection Agency develops, publishes, and disseminates more than 300 consensus codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks. Virtually every building, process, service, design and installation in society today is affected by NFPA documents. The 2009 NFPA 70E®: Handbook for Electrical Safety in the Workplace is the solution to jobsite protection from electrical hazards.